Formamide can be used as an organic synthetic raw material

Formamide has active reactivity and special solubility, and can be used as an organic synthetic raw material, a paper treating agent, a softener for the fiber industry, a softener for animal glue, and an analytical reagent for determining the amino acid content in rice. In organic synthesis, there are many uses in medicine, and there are many uses in pesticides, dyes, pigments, perfumes, and auxiliaries. Formamide is also an excellent organic solvent, mainly used in spinning and ion exchange resins of acrylonitrile copolymers, as well as antistatic coating or conductive coating of plastic products. In addition, formamide is also used to separate chlorosilanes, purify oils, and the like. Formamide can undergo a variety of reactions, in addition to the participation of three hydrogens in the reaction, dehydration, CO removal, introduction of amino groups, introduction of acyl groups and cyclization reactions. Take the ring as an example. Diethyl malonate is cyclized with formamide to give the intermediate 4,6-dihydroxypyrimidine of vitamin B4. Cycling of anthranilic acid with an amide to obtain an antiarrhythmogenic intermediate quinazolin-4. 3-Amino-4-ethoxycarbonylpyrazole is cyclized with formamide to obtain xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol . Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is cyclized with formamide to obtain the anticancer drug ethylenimine. The methyl methoxymalonate is cyclized with formamide to give the intermediate 5-amino-4,6-dihydroxypyrimidine disodium of the sulfonamide.